Forth vs Fourth: Understanding the Difference and Using Them Correctly

English is replete with words that sound alike but differ in meaning and usage, often leading to confusion. One such pair is "forth" and "fourth." This article will help you understand these words, differentiate between them, and use them correctly in your writing and speech.

Word Definitions, Usage, and Comparison


Definition: As an adverb, "forth" means moving forward in time, place, or order.

Usage: "Forth" is primarily used to indicate movement or progression. Common phrases include "go forth," "bring forth," "set forth," and "come forth."


Definition: "Fourth" is an ordinal number representing the position four in a sequence.

Usage: "Fourth" is used to denote the item that comes after the third and before the fifth in any order or list. It is commonly seen in contexts such as dates (e.g., July 4), sequences (e.g., fourth chapter), and positions (e.g., fourth place in a race).


The key difference between "forth" and "fourth" lies in their function and meaning. "Forth" is an adverb used to convey direction or progression, whereas "fourth" is an ordinal adjective or noun that indicates a numerical position in a sequence. Despite their identical pronunciation, their meanings and uses are distinct, making context crucial for correct application.

Synonyms and Related Words


  • Away: Indicates movement from a place.
  • Forward: Indicates direction towards the front.
  • Onward: Moving forward or continuing.
  • Outward: Directed towards the outside or away from the center.


  • Four: The number four itself.
  • Quarter: One-fourth part of a whole.
  • Quadrant: One of four parts of something divided by two perpendicular lines.

Etymology and Word Origins


"Forth" has origins in the Old English word "forþ," meaning forward or onward. Understanding this origin helps to remember "forth" as indicative of movement or progression.


"Fourth" originates from the Old English "feorða," meaning the fourth in order. Relating "fourth" to the number four (4) helps in associating it with numerical sequences.

Common Errors and How to Avoid Them

Frequent mistakes involving "forth" and "fourth" mainly stem from their homophonic nature. Writers often misuse these words due to their similar sound but different meanings.

  • Incorrect: "Go back and fourth between the options." (Correct: "Go back and forth between the options.")
  • Incorrect: "The event is on July forth." (Correct: "The event is on July fourth.")

To avoid these errors, remember the context: "forth" relates to movement or direction, while "fourth" pertains to numerical order.

Example Sentences and Real-world Applications


  • "She went forth boldly into the unknown." – Correct
  • "He set forth his ideas clearly." – Correct
  • "The river flowed forth from the mountains." – Correct
  • "She was the forth person to arrive." – Incorrect (Correct: "She was the fourth person to arrive.")


  • "He finished in fourth place." – Correct
  • "The meeting is scheduled for the fourth of July." – Correct
  • "She read the fourth chapter." – Correct
  • "He came fourth with a new plan." – Incorrect (Correct: "He came forth with a new plan.")

In both academic and professional settings, correctly using "forth" and "fourth" demonstrates precision and clarity. For instance, in reports or articles, distinguishing "set forth" from "set fourth" ensures the intended meaning is conveyed.

Memorization Techniques and Practice

A helpful mnemonic device is associating "forth" with "forward" (both lack a 'u') and "fourth" with "four" (numerical sequence). Using memory aids like these can fortify understanding and recall.

Practice Exercise:

  1. Write a sentence using "forth" to indicate movement.
  2. Write a sentence using "fourth" to denote a position in a sequence.
  3. Identify and correct the misuse of "forth" and "fourth" in sample sentences.

Special Cases and Exceptions

There are few special cases with "forth" and "fourth." However, "forth" can form expressions like "and so forth" meaning "and so on." In specialized contexts, knowing these usages can enhance understanding.

Regional Differences and Evolving Usage

There are no significant regional differences or evolving usages for "forth" and "fourth." They are standard in English-speaking regions and maintain consistent meanings.


Test Your Understanding:

  1. Which word means "forward in time or place"?
    a) Forth
    b) Fourth
  2. The event is on the ___ of July.
    a) forth
    b) fourth
  3. Set ___ your plan for the project.
    a) forth
    b) fourth
  4. She celebrated her ___ birthday.
    a) forth
    b) fourth
  5. The explorers went ___ into the forest.
    a) forth
    b) fourth

Answers: 1) a, 2) b, 3) a, 4) b, 5) a

By understanding the distinctions between "forth" and "fourth," you can enhance your writing precision and clarity, avoiding common pitfalls associated with these homophones.

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“half vs halve”를 이해하는 것은 영어에서 명확한 의사소통을 위해 매우 중요합니다. “Half”는 명사, 형용사, 부사로 사용할 수 있지만 “halve”는 동사로만 사용됩니다. 올바른 사용법을 배워보세요!