Understanding the Difference Between Enquiry and Inquiry: A Simplified Guide

Enquiry and inquiry are two similar-sounding words that often confuse writers and speakers alike. Understanding their differences can help you choose the right word in the right context. In this guide, we will explore their definitions, usage, and contextual differences.

Word Definitions, Usage, and Comparison


Definition: Enquiry refers to the act of asking a question or seeking information in a general or informal context.

Usage: Enquiry is primarily used in British English when referring to general questions or casual information requests.


Definition: Inquiry means the act of asking for information, typically in a formal context, or an official investigation.

Usage: Inquiry is widely used in American English and British English for formal or official investigations.


In British English, both "enquiry" and "inquiry" are used, but contexts differ. "Enquiry" is used for informal or general questions, while "inquiry" is reserved for formal or official investigations. In American English, "inquiry" is used for both formal and informal contexts, making "enquiry" uncommon.

Synonyms and Related Words

  • Enquiry Synonyms: Question, request, query
  • Inquiry Synonyms: Investigation, probe, examination

Understanding these synonyms can aid in distinguishing between the two words based on context.

Etymology and Word Origins

The words "enquiry" and "inquiry" both stem from the Latin word "inquirere," meaning to seek or ask about. Over time, usage evolved differently in British and American English. Recognizing their common origin can help you remember that both relate to seeking information, albeit in different contexts.

Common Errors and How to Avoid Them

  • Mixing Formal and Informal Contexts: Many people use "enquiry" in formal contexts or "inquiry" in informal ones. Remember: "inquiry" for formal settings, "enquiry" for informal (British English).
  • Incorrect Regional Usage: Using "enquiry" in American English contexts. Always use "inquiry" in American English.

Example Sentences and Real-world Applications


  • I have an enquiry about your opening hours.
  • He made an enquiry at the reception desk.
  • Can I enquire about the vegetarian options?
  • Incorrect: The police started an enquiry into the case (should be "inquiry" if referring to a formal investigation).


  • The university launched an inquiry into the incident.
  • She filed an inquiry with the department.
  • The detective conducted several inquiries regarding the crime.
  • Incorrect: I made an inquiry at the hotel about room availability (should be "enquiry" if referring to a general request in British English).

In professional settings like academia or law, using "inquiry" correctly can convey the appropriate level of formality. In everyday life or customer service settings, "enquiry" is more fitting for general questions in British English.

Memorization Techniques and Practice

A simple mnemonic might be, "Enquiry is Everyday; Inquiry is Investigation." You can also practice by matching scenarios to the correct word:

  • Scenario: Asking at a help desk. Correct: Enquiry
  • Scenario: Official police investigation. Correct: Inquiry

Special Cases and Exceptions

While British English distinguishes between the two, do note that in some less formal British contexts, "inquiry" can sometimes be used interchangeably with "enquiry." Similarly, in American English, "inquiry" covers all contexts.

Regional Differences and Evolving Usage

In American English, "enquiry" has become almost obsolete, while British English maintains the distinction between general "enquiries" and formal "inquiries." However, globalization is causing some overlap, making both terms more interchangeable in informal contexts.


  1. In American English, which word is used for both formal and informal contexts? Inquiry
  2. Which word should you use in British English for a formal investigation? Inquiry
  3. What is a synonym for "enquiry"? Question
  4. Is it correct to use "enquiry" in American English? No
  5. Fill in the blank: The committee launched an ______ into the allegations. Inquiry

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