"Are" vs. "Our": Learn the Key Differences and Correct Usage

The words "are" and "our" can be confusing, especially if you speak English as an additional language. They sound very similar when spoken, yet they serve very different grammatical purposes. This article aims to demystify these commonly confused words by examining their meanings, usage, and differences. Understanding these distinctions will not only improve your writing but also boost your overall command of the English language.

Word Definitions, Usage, and Comparison


Definition: "Are" is the present tense of the verb "to be," used with the second-person singular pronoun (you), and all plural subjects (we, you, they).


  • Second-person singular present tense: "You are my friend."
  • Plural present tense: "We are going to the park."

Function: Acts as a verb indicating a state of being or existence.


Definition: "Our" is a first-person plural possessive determiner, meaning "belonging to us."


  • Possessive determiner: "This is our house."

Function: Modifies a noun to show possession.


Are: Verb, indicates a state of being (e.g., "They are happy").

Our: Possessive determiner, shows ownership (e.g., "This is our book").

Synonyms and Related Words


Synonyms: "is" (for third-person singular), "am" (for first-person singular), "were" (past tense).

Understanding these related terms can help situate "are" within the broader context of its verb forms.


Synonyms: "ours" (absolute possessive pronoun).

Knowing related possessive pronouns like "my," "your," "his," "her," "their" aids in grasping the function of "our."

Etymology and Word Origins


Origin: Derives from Old English "aron," which is the present form of the verb "to be."

Understanding its verb roots helps in remembering that "are" signifies a state of being.


Origin: Comes from Old English "ūre," which stands for first-person plural possessive.

Knowing its possessive origins aids in recognizing that "our" denotes ownership.

Common Errors and How to Avoid Them

One frequent mistake is using "are" instead of "our," or vice versa. This error usually occurs because the words sound similar.

Example of Error: "We are house is big" (incorrect).

Correction: "Our house is big" (correct).

Example Sentences and Real-world Applications

Are (Correct Usage)

  • "They are students."
  • "You are welcome here."
  • "We are celebrating tonight."

Are (Incorrect Usage)

  • "Our you going?" (incorrect)
  • Reason: "Are you going?" is correct because "are" is a verb, not a possessive determiner.

Our (Correct Usage)

  • "Our team won the match."
  • "This is our responsibility."
  • "We value our community."

Our (Incorrect Usage)

  • "Are house is beautiful." (incorrect)
  • Reason: "Our house is beautiful." is correct because "our" denotes possession.

Real-world Application: Proper use is crucial in academic writing, emails, and professional communication to ensure clarity and professionalism.

Memorization Techniques and Practice

Mnemonic Device: Remember that both "Our" and "Ownership" start with "O," while "Are" and "Action" (verb) start with "A."

Mini-Exercise: Fill in the blanks with the correct word ("are" or "our"):

  1. We ___ going to meet at five o'clock.
  2. This is ___ family photo.
  3. You ___ invited to the party.
  4. ___ we going to finish this project?
  5. They ___ our favorite team.

Special Cases and Exceptions

There are no special cases or exceptions for "are" and "our." They consistently function as a verb and a possessive determiner, respectively.

Regional Differences and Evolving Usage

In some dialects, "are" and "our" can sound almost identical, which contributes to the confusion between them.


  1. We ___ very excited about the trip.
  2. Is this ___ final decision?
  3. They ___ planning a surprise party.
  4. How ___ you doing today?
  5. ___ new office is downtown.

Quiz Answers:

  1. are
  2. our
  3. are
  4. are
  5. Our

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