Cracking the Code: When to Use Advise and Advice

In English, many words are frequently confused due to their similar spellings or pronunciations. Two such words are "advise" and "advice." This confusion often arises because they share the same root and are related in meaning. However, they function differently within a sentence. In this article, we will explore their definitions, usages, differences, and tips on how to remember which word to use.

Word Definitions, Usage, and Comparison


Definition: To offer suggestions or recommendations about what someone should do; to give advice.

Usage: It acts as a verb. For example, "I advise you to study hard for your exams."


Definition: An opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action.

Usage: It is used as a noun. For example, "His advice was very helpful."


Advise and advice differ mainly in their function in a sentence. "Advise" is a verb and implies the action of giving recommendations. "Advice" is a noun and refers to the recommendations themselves.

Synonyms and Related Words


  • Recommend: To suggest a course of action. Example: I recommend you update your software.
  • Suggest: To mention an idea or plan for someone else to consider. Example: I suggest taking a break.
  • Counsel: To provide guidance or advice. Example: She counseled him on career choices.


  • Guidance: Assistance or advice. Example: She sought guidance from her mentor.
  • Recommendation: A suggestion about what someone should do. Example: The doctor's recommendation helped.
  • Tip: A small piece of advice. Example: Here are some tips for learning English.

Etymology and Word Origins

Both words originate from the Old French "aviser," meaning "to consider or reflect." This term, in turn, derives from the Latin "advisus," a form of "advidere," meaning "to look at" or "to see." Understanding this can help remember that "advise" involves an action (looking and reflecting), while "advice" is the result of that action (the recommendation).

Common Errors and How to Avoid Them

A frequent mistake is using "advise" when "advice" is needed, or vice versa. This error occurs due to their similar spelling and related meaning.

Incorrect: "He gave me a good advise."

Correct: "He gave me good advice."

Remember, if you need a noun, use "advice." If you need a verb, use "advise."

Example Sentences and Real-world Applications


  • "I advise you to wear a coat; it's cold outside."
  • "She advised him to take the job offer."
  • "The doctor advised regular exercise to improve health."
  • Incorrect: "I need your advise on this matter."
  • Explanation: The word "advise" should be "advice" because it is functioning as a noun in this sentence.


  • "My friend's advice helped me solve the problem."
  • "If you need advice, talk to a mentor."
  • "Her advice was invaluable during the crisis."
  • Incorrect: "He always advices his students wisely."
  • Explanation: The word "advices" should be "advises" because it should be a verb to function correctly in this sentence.

Memorization Techniques and Practice

One helpful mnemonic device is to remember that "advise" is like "exercise" – both involve an action (verb). "Advice" has ice in it—something passive you receive (noun).

Practice Exercise

  1. He always gives good __(advice/advise)__.
  2. Can you __(advice/advise)__ me on the best course of action?
  3. I need your expert __(advice/advise)__.
  4. She __(advice/advise)__ them to be careful.
  5. Please __(advice/advise)__ us of your decision.

(Correct answers: 1. advice, 2. advise, 3. advice, 4. advised, 5. advise)

Special Cases and Exceptions

In business or formal contexts, "please advise" is commonly used to request someone's input or guidance. Despite this, it's crucial to use these words correctly to maintain professionalism.

Regional Differences and Evolving Usage

Generally, "advise" and "advice" usage is standard across different English-speaking regions. However, there may be slight variations in preference for certain synonyms.


  1. (Verb) I strongly __(advise/advice)__ you to review your work before submission.
  2. (Noun) She followed her teacher's __(advise/advice)__ and improved her grades.
  3. (Verb) Can you __(advise/advice)__ me on the best software to use?
  4. (Noun) His __(advise/advice)__ was incredibly helpful.
  5. (Verb) The manager __(advise/advice)__ against making hasty decisions.

(Correct answers: 1. advise, 2. advice, 3. advise, 4. advice, 5. advised)

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